Locke's Correspondents Graph by Modularity of the Subcommunities
Claude Willan
This graph shows the modularity of the subcommunities of Locke's ego-network.
Locke's Correspondents Graph by Religion at Birth
Claude Willan
This shows the religion of Locke's correspondents at birth; their conversions are recorded in a separate field.
This graph shows that Anglicanism was far from ubiquitous in the diffuse hub of Locke's acquaintance. Dissenters, Catholics, and Anglicans were bound together by Locke's epistolary practice.
This export is one of a small number of test exports among many; each correspondent has metadata encoded in upwards of forty categories; we provide these examples for illustrative effect.
Locke's Correspondents Graph Grouped by Members of the Royal Society
Claude Willan
This graph shows those correspondents of Locke's who were members of the Royal Society [FRS]. Membership clusters around Robert Boyle, in the lower central portion of the graph.
This export is one of a small number of test exports among many; each correspondent has metadata encoded in upwards of forty categories; we provide these examples for illustrative effect.