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Performances of La Partie de chasse de Henri IV

Maria Teodora Comsa , April 2017

The data visualizations below were created using the Palladio application developed at Stanford. The embedded visualizations are Palladio Bricks. Palladio is freely available to use at and the source code is available on GitHub here.

You will find an explanation of the visualization at the bottom of the page.


The visualization above shows a small sampling of the data. The maps shows performances of a few plays between 1730 and 1780. There is a clear data bias for La partie de chasse de Henry IV by Charles Collé, for which 39 performances are plotted. Collé’s comedy was controversial and banned by the king. The timeline shows a spike in performances in the years before the plays’ debut at the Comédie Française (in november of 1774).

See the project Schema page for data viewer, the data schema, and a link to the data files.

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Cite as

Maria Teodora Comsa. Interactive Visualization: Performances of La Partie de chasse de Henri IV [Created using Palladio,].